Kami bekerja sama dengan Less Plastic UK dan Gallifrey Foundation dalam kampanye global untuk mendukung pengurangan jejak plastik Anda, pengurangan item dan kemasan plastik sekali pakai, mempromosikan benda benda yang bisa digunakan kembali, mempromosikan perubahan sistem dan alternatif, serta menyebarkan kesadaran tentang dampak pembakaran terbuka.
We teamed up with Less Plastic UK and Gallifrey Foundation on a global campaign to support reduction of your plastic footprint, reduction of single-use plastic items and packaging, promoting reusables and alternative delivery models and spreading awareness about the impact of open burning.
Unduhan gratis – Bergabunglah dengan kampanye kami!
Plastic balloons pose a serious risk to our environment. Join our collaborative campaign and feel free to use this poster to spread awareness about the impact of balloons. Watch this Video ‘When Balloons Fly‘ by ZoosVictoria
Helium use for fun is not sustainable and irresponsible, Helium resources are limited and this scarcity puts pressure on medical healthcare . Despite claims that biodegradable balloons biodegrade, tests show that biodegradability is limited. Strings and plastic closures on balloons harm wildlife, due to entanglement and digestion.
Reduction of marine pollution by single-use plastic used in subsistence fisheries
Free downloads – Join our campaigns !
Bersama Kita Bersihkan Tanah Air 🌿 Together We Clean The Nation