A baby is likely to go through between 5,000 and 6,000 disposable plastic diapers before becoming potty trained. Population projections show that the yearly number of births will remain at around 140 million per year over the coming decades.
Habits and practices related to diapering continue to vary greatly around the world and are continually evolving based on changing cultural norms, disposable income, and access to information.
One thing is certain ….. diapers are not recyclable in most countries.
The fate of most plastic diapers is
- littered on land and in rivers
- landfilled or
- incinerated
Reusable cloth diapers save families money, avoiding plastic diapers helps reducing plastic pollution.
Do follow proper hygiene measures. On the internet you can find lots of information about newborn health, for example on the website of the World Health Organisation or on this webpage
Cloth diapers are sold in many countries. In regions where they are not available or too expensive, moms or women groups can make them, there are lots of videos with clear instructions, for example this video
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